STAR Transformations

Relax, Connect, Evolve

Guiding you into the most truthful and authentic expression of YOU

About STAR Transformations image
STAR Transformations is about cultivating and sustaining Self Trust and Authentic Relationships starting with the most important relationship in your life, the one you have with yourself. Partnerships involve intention, presence, authenticity, self-surrender and love. Developing self-awareness is the foundation for all other relationships and assists you with navigating the journey of life with grace and ease. Despite even the best of intentions, life can often feel like a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs. However, you can have a whole new experience when you honor yourself by shifting your focus back to you, healing your wounds, connecting to your heart and moving forward grounded in who you are. STAR Transformations is a resource for the tools, knowledge, practices and guidance for healing body, mind and spirit. Love Coaching, Yoga and Ayurveda are holistic and integrative practices to further you along your journey. Here you can process, learn, play, move and love your way to manifesting and transforming yourself and your life to align with your heart's desires. If you ever feel disconnected from yourself or struggle with relationships but you have a willingness to open your mind and heart to what's possible and a readiness to let go of what's not working in order to create space for your most beautiful dreams to come true, then this is the place for you.
About Kari image
I grew up in the western suburbs of Minnesota; the eldest of five children in a dysfunctional family due to alcoholism. As a result, my siblings and I were not modeled, and even prevented from, loving and honoring ourselves. This led to a lonely and depressed childhood, anorexia at the age of 14,  becoming a mom at the age of 21, followed by a failed marriage and several lengthy toxic relationships with men with addictive personalities. I was intelligent, motivated and successful in school and work but lacked emotional intelligence and clarity around my life purpose or who I was. Divorce sent me back to college in 2001 and on a career path in medical devices but my heart longed to help people more directly and focus on preventative medicine and health.

My true journey back to self began in 2003 when I learned how to meditate. A regular meditation practice facilitated the process of releasing anger raging inside of me, making way for my true emotions to arise and on the path home to my soul. Thereafter I went through training programs for Therapeutic Coaching and Spiritual Therapeutic Coaching with the intention of adding tools to my tool belt for when I eventually went to chiropractic school after my daughter graduated from high school. However, the knowledge gained and experiential process was most importantly part of my own healing journey. The ending of my last romantic relationship sent me into a dark night of the soul. Yet, with the internal and external resources I'd developed, I was able to navigate the purging of what felt like 40 years of emotions and associations. The process lasted for several months and felt like a rebirth. I had to relearn what everything was and what it meant to me, what I liked or didn't like and who I was in the world. Thereafter I fell into yoga teacher training and restorative yoga which set me on the necessary road to follow my dream of connecting body, mind and spirit. In a matter of a few months I went through several major life changes; a new car, changed jobs, sold my first house and bought a new home with my partner. I have a fiance who loves and respects me the way I now love and honor myself. Over the last several years I've been teaching and studying yoga of all types with a focus on rest and relaxation, centering and grounding in self, and striving for balancing and healing mind, body and spirit. My intention and gift is to assist others in their journey back to self through the heart in the context of mind, body and spirit.


Individual and Couples Coaching

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Restorative, Pelvic Floor and Partner Yoga

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Simple tools to restore balance in mind, body and spirit

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Workshops, Yoga Parties, Book Clubs and Custom Events

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Workshop Series (90 minutes each) and Session Goals:

"Pain and Joy - How Our Mind Creates Our Reality"

Class 1 – The Conscious and Unconscious Minds Explained
  • Distinguish perception and reality
  • Understand the functions and roles of the conscious and unconscious minds
  • Recognize identification with the mind and senses
  • Explore the concepts of spirit, ego and energy
Class 2 – What Your Body and Feelings Are Telling You
  • Examine the mind-body connection and meanings behind pain (physical and emotional)
  • Deconstruct feelings and their role
  • Understand what it means to be present
  • Appreciate the qualities of the mind and how they impact our experiences
  • Learn about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Class 3 – The Dance of the Masculine and Feminine Connection in Intimate Relationships
  • Learn about masculine and feminine qualities
  • Identify differences in masculine and feminine connection strategies
  • Bring clarity to the masculine-feminine relationship dynamic
  • Overview of attachment styles
  • Create steps to improve connection and communication with your partner
Class 4 – The Covert Recipe for Inner Change
  • Explore the conscious competence learning model
  • Breakdown the different types of intelligence
  • Learn about teaching methods and learning styles
  • Gain knowledge about the mind-body response
Class 5 – The Formula for Manifesting and Creating the Life You Want
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Gain appreciation for gratitude and love as foundations
  • Identify the steps involved with manifesting
  • Expand your perspective on experiences and vulnerability
Class 6 – How the Mind Processes Information and What You Can Do About It – an NLP Perspective
  • Learn about the history and concepts of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology (HNLP)
  • Examine the NLP model of communication
  • Benefits of working with an NLP Coach
  • Open doors to identifying and increasing resources (internal and external)
Class 7 – The Journey to Self Through Yoga – A Resource for Authentic Living
  • Learn about the 8 limbs of yoga
  • Introduce basic yoga philosophies and different styles of yoga
  • Determine personalized applications and benefits of yoga
  • Recognize the importance of connecting breath and movement
Class 8 – The Wisdom of Ayurveda – A Resource for Authentic Living
  • Introduce ayurvedic terms and philosophies
  • Gain knowledge on how to simplify and live Ayurveda
  • Learn tools and practices for self-empowerment
  • Understand how to transform knowledge into wisdom
Workshop Series image

Details to be provided prior to event start.Read More

  • Date: 08/02/2020 07:00 PM
  • Location Online Event

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Past Events

Transforming with Love 12 Jan 2020Forest Lake, MN, USA
Session 8: The Wisdom of Ayurveda - A Resource for Authentic Living - CANCELLED 11 Jun 20191060 Curve Crest Blvd W, Unit 102, Stillwater, MN 55082
Session 7: The Journey to Self Through Yoga - A Resource for Authentic Living - CANCELLED 14 May 20191060 Curve Crest Blvd W, Unit 102, Stillwater, MN 55082
Session 6: How the Mind Processes Information and What You can Do about It - an NLP Perspective 14 May 20191060 Curve Crest Blvd W, Unit 102, Stillwater, MN 55082
Session 5: The Formula for Manifesting and Creating the Life You Want 19 Mar 20191060 Curve Crest Blvd W, Unit 102, Stillwater, MN, USA
Session 4: The Covert Recipe for Inner Change 21 Feb 20191060 Curve Crest Blvd W, Unit 102, Stillwater, MN, USA
Session 3: The Dance of the Masculine and Feminine Connection in Intimate Relationships 08 Jan 20191060 Curve Crest Blvd W, Unit 102, Stillwater, MN, USA
Session 2: What Your Body and Feelings Are Telling You 04 Dec 20181060 Curve Crest Blvd W, Unit 102, Stillwater, MN, USA
Session 1: The Conscious and Unconscious Minds Explained 14 Nov 20181060 Curve Crest Blvd W, Unit 102, Stillwater, MN, USA
Yoga room image
The Yoga Room at Horsing Around Ranch

Deepen your personal connections, surrender to relaxation and attain balance in body, mind, spirit

Get Your First Appointment Now

Please complete the following form to evaluate your readiness for love coaching. I will review the form and get back to you within 72 hours to discuss fit, focus and process by which we might work together.

  • Stillwater, Minnesota, United States

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Clinical evidence specialist with MDR CER writing experience

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Clinical research support for all stages of medical device development

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