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Workshop Series: Pain and Joy - How Our Mind Creates Our Reality

  • Date:12/04/2018 06:30 PM
  • Location 1060 Curve Crest Blvd W, Unit 102, Stillwater, MN, USA (Map)
  • More Info:Anchored Chiropractic


Course Objectives:

  • Examine the mind-body connection and meanings behind pain (physical and emotional)
  • Deconstruct feelings and their greater purpose
  • Explore what it means to be present
  • Gain appreciation for the qualities of the mind and how they impact our experiences
  • Learn about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and their role in your life

Come explore concepts and examples behind the body-mind connection. Perhaps you are curious about the purpose of pain (physical and emotional) and how feelings play a role in our lives. Journey through a new perspective on how we often create suffering in our lives by lack of being “present” and what this means and how to change it. Finally, shed some light on the role of the mind within our physicial existence and how the condition of our mind drives our experiences.